Zhineng Qigong 智 能 气 功 Weisheit ~ Veränderung ~ Vitalität
Free Zhineng Qigong practice - online around the World ... because we are one ... "If we want peace, we have to be peace. Peace is a practice, not a hope." (Thich Nhat Hanh)
Info English With this collection I want to contribute something in these special times.
The date of a day is given according to UTC-Timezone (Europe)! In some cases, in America or in China, a date could actually be the previous or the next day there. For your area, please look at the date listed with each topic or use the timeanddate-link there for more options.
To show (or hide) more content and information, please click directly on the headline of the event.
Even though all the events listed here are offered free of charge, the teachers will certainly be happy to receive a donation.
See also my-qigong-life-Playlists on Youtube, a constantly growing collection of videos around Zhineng Qigong.Info Deutsch (German) Mit dieser Sammlung möchte ich etwas beitragen in diesen besonderen Zeiten, denn "wenn wir Frieden wollen, müssen wir Frieden sein. Frieden ist keine Hoffnung, sondern eine Praxis." (Thich Nhat Hanh)
Um mehr Infos zu Inhalt und Zugangsdaten anzuzeigen (oder zu verbergen), bitte direkt auf die jeweilige Überschrift klicken. Bei jedem Termin ist auch ein Link für weitere Zeitzonen beigefügt.
Auch wenn alle hier aufgeführten Veranstaltungen gratis angeboten werden, so freuen sich die Lehrer sicherlich auch über eine Spende.
Siehe auch my-qigong-life-Playlists auf Youtube, eine ständig wachsende Sammlung von Videos rund um das Thema Zhineng-Qigong.Add your event / Deine Veranstaltung hinzufügen / Agrega tu evento EN: If you offer free Zhineng Qigong events yourself and would like to add them here, you can either contact me directly or fill out the following Google form: https://forms.gle/ndS8PRggeMD8cM8fA. Of course, you can also enter events in any other language. For Googles terms see here for their privacy policy and their terms of use, or at the bottom of the form. My entire website is non-commercial and is and will remain ad-free.
DE: Wenn Du selber kostenfreie Zhineng Qigong Veranstaltungen anbietest, und diese hier hinzufügen möchtest, kann du mich entweder direkt kontaktieren, oder das folgende Google-Formular ausfüllen: https://forms.gle/PhpQfDBBeTe17MuN8. Natürlich kannst Du auch Veranstaltungen in jeder beliebigen anderen Sprache eintragen. Für die Bedingungen von Google siehe hier für deren Datenschutzbestimmungen sowie deren Nutzungsbedingungen, oder ganz unten am Ende des Formulars. Meine gesamte Website ist nichtkommerziell und ist und bleibt werbungsfrei.
ES: Si usted mismo ofrece eventos gratuitos de Zhineng Qigong y desea agregarlos aquí, puede contactarme directamente o completar el siguiente formulario de Google: https://forms.gle/dpy1CtNPKWcSpk3x9. Por supuesto, también puede ingresar eventos en cualquier otro idioma. Para conocer los términos de Google, consulte aquí su política de privacidad y sus términos de uso, o al final del formulario. Todo mi sitio web no es comercial y está y seguirá estando libre de publicidad.
List of free events: / Liste mit freien Veranstaltungen: / Lista de eventos gratuitos: ... this list will be updated continually ... diese Liste wird fortlaufend aktualisiert ... esta lista se actualiza continuamente ... Thu, February 13, 2025 Guten Morgen Qigong Teacher: Doris & Ivo Siebenförcher (Montag bis Freitag, ausser Feiertage) deutsch Los Angeles: February 12, 21:00 pm Denver: February 12, 22:00 pm Mexico City: February 12, 23:00 pm New York: February 13, 00:00 am Argentina: February 13, 02:00 am UTC: February 13, 05:00 am London: February 13, 05:00 am Berlin/Paris: February 13, 06:00 am Jerusalem: February 13, 07:00 am Kyiv: February 13, 07:00 am Moscow: February 13, 08:00 am China: February 13, 13:00 pm
verschiedene Qi Gong Übungen, die in erster Linie Wirbelsäule und Gelenke mobilisieren 1 Monat kostenlos
Info-Link (extern): https://qigong.news/qigongonline/
Register here for the meeting: https://qigong.news/guten-morgen-qigong-anmeldung/
Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.
Thu, February 13, 2025 Taijiball Teacher: Doris & Ivo Siebenförcher (Montag bis Freitag, ausser Feiertage) deutsch Los Angeles: February 12, 22:00 pm Denver: February 12, 23:00 pm Mexico City: February 13, 00:00 am New York: February 13, 01:00 am Argentina: February 13, 03:00 am UTC: February 13, 06:00 am London: February 13, 06:00 am Berlin/Paris: February 13, 07:00 am Jerusalem: February 13, 08:00 am Kyiv: February 13, 08:00 am Moscow: February 13, 09:00 am China: February 13, 14:00 pm
Taijiball (Tai Chi Ball) - Tanz im Universum 1 Monat kostenlos
Info-Link (extern): https://qigong.news/formen/taijiball/
Register here for the meeting: https://qigong.news/guten-morgen-qigong-anmeldung/
Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.
Fri, February 14, 2025 N-Ton Chanting Teacher: Ping Dietrich-Shi & Team von N-Ton (Jeden Mo., Mi., Fr.) Deutsch Los Angeles: February 14, 11:30 am Denver: February 14, 12:30 pm Mexico City: February 14, 13:30 pm New York: February 14, 14:30 pm Argentina: February 14, 16:30 pm UTC: February 14, 19:30 pm London: February 14, 19:30 pm Berlin/Paris: February 14, 20:30 pm Jerusalem: February 14, 21:30 pm Kyiv: February 14, 21:30 pm Moscow: February 14, 22:30 pm China: February 15, 03:30 am
Zoom-Meeting-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89871421992 Meeting-ID, Zoom: 898 7142 1992 Passcode: 010203
Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.
Sun, February 16, 2025 Sonntags-Qigong Teacher: LehrerInnen des Zhineng Qigong Vereins Deutschland (Jeden Sonntag) deutsch Los Angeles: February 16, 01:00 am Denver: February 16, 02:00 am Mexico City: February 16, 03:00 am New York: February 16, 04:00 am Argentina: February 16, 06:00 am UTC: February 16, 09:00 am London: February 16, 09:00 am Berlin/Paris: February 16, 10:00 am Jerusalem: February 16, 11:00 am Kyiv: February 16, 11:00 am Moscow: February 16, 12:00 pm China: February 16, 17:00 pm
Der Zhineng Qigong Verein Deutschland lädt ein zum kostenfreien Sonntags-Qigong, jeden Sonntag von 10-11 Uhr.
Info-Link (extern): https://www.zhinengqigong-deutschland-ev.de/kostenlose-uebungsstunden/
Zoom-Meeting-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86713872748?pwd%3DR1I4WEp5WjZoYnF6OXNybjFTT3VUQT09 Meeting-ID, Zoom: 867 1387 2748 Passcode: 824101
Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.
Mon, February 17, 2025 N-Ton Chanting Teacher: Ping Dietrich-Shi & Team von N-Ton (Jeden Mo., Mi., Fr.) Deutsch Los Angeles: February 17, 11:30 am Denver: February 17, 12:30 pm Mexico City: February 17, 13:30 pm New York: February 17, 14:30 pm Argentina: February 17, 16:30 pm UTC: February 17, 19:30 pm London: February 17, 19:30 pm Berlin/Paris: February 17, 20:30 pm Jerusalem: February 17, 21:30 pm Kyiv: February 17, 21:30 pm Moscow: February 17, 22:30 pm China: February 18, 03:30 am
Zoom-Meeting-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89871421992 Meeting-ID, Zoom: 898 7142 1992 Passcode: 010203
Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.
Wed, February 19, 2025 Free Healing Wednesdays Teacher: Yuantong Liu and Britta Stalling (every first wednesday - jeden ersten Mittwoch) English with translation into Dutch, German and Swedish Los Angeles: February 19, 08:00 am Denver: February 19, 09:00 am Mexico City: February 19, 10:00 am New York: February 19, 11:00 am Argentina: February 19, 13:00 pm UTC: February 19, 16:00 pm London: February 19, 16:00 pm Berlin/Paris: February 19, 17:00 pm Jerusalem: February 19, 18:00 pm Kyiv: February 19, 18:00 pm Moscow: February 19, 19:00 pm China: February 20, 00:00 am
Willkommen zum Free Healing Wednesday! Ãœbungseinheit unter Anleitung von Master Yuantong Liu
Register here for the meeting: https://hunyuanqitherapy.com/session-with-master-yuantong-liu/
Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.
Wed, February 19, 2025 N-Ton Chanting Teacher: Ping Dietrich-Shi & Team von N-Ton (Jeden Mo., Mi., Fr.) Deutsch Los Angeles: February 19, 11:30 am Denver: February 19, 12:30 pm Mexico City: February 19, 13:30 pm New York: February 19, 14:30 pm Argentina: February 19, 16:30 pm UTC: February 19, 19:30 pm London: February 19, 19:30 pm Berlin/Paris: February 19, 20:30 pm Jerusalem: February 19, 21:30 pm Kyiv: February 19, 21:30 pm Moscow: February 19, 22:30 pm China: February 20, 03:30 am
Zoom-Meeting-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89871421992 Meeting-ID, Zoom: 898 7142 1992 Passcode: 010203
Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.
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