Zhineng Qigong       Weisheit ~ Veränderung ~ Vitalität


Free Zhineng Qigong practice - online around the World
... because we are one ...

Sun, July 28, 2024  Sonntags-Qigong   Teacher: LehrerInnen des Zhineng Qigong Vereins Deutschland      (Jeden Sonntag)   deutsch
Los Angeles: July 28, 01:00 am   Denver: July 28, 02:00 am   Mexico City: July 28, 03:00 am   New York: July 28, 04:00 am   Argentina: July 28, 05:00 am   UTC: July 28, 08:00 am   London: July 28, 09:00 am   Berlin/Paris: July 28, 10:00 am   Jerusalem: July 28, 11:00 am   Kyiv: July 28, 11:00 am   Moscow: July 28, 11:00 am   China: July 28, 16:00 pm

Der Zhineng Qigong Verein Deutschland lädt ein zum kostenfreien Sonntags-Qigong, jeden Sonntag von 10-11 Uhr.

Info-Link (extern): https://www.zhinengqigong-deutschland-ev.de/kostenlose-uebungsstunden/

  Zoom-Meeting-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86713872748?pwd%3DR1I4WEp5WjZoYnF6OXNybjFTT3VUQT09
  Meeting-ID, Zoom: 867 1387 2748
  Passcode: 824101

Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.

Mon, July 29, 2024  Guten Morgen Qigong   Teacher: Doris & Ivo Siebenförcher      (Montag bis Freitag, ausser Feiertage)   deutsch
Los Angeles: July 28, 21:00 pm   Denver: July 28, 22:00 pm   Mexico City: July 28, 23:00 pm   New York: July 29, 00:00 am   Argentina: July 29, 01:00 am   UTC: July 29, 04:00 am   London: July 29, 05:00 am   Berlin/Paris: July 29, 06:00 am   Jerusalem: July 29, 07:00 am   Kyiv: July 29, 07:00 am   Moscow: July 29, 07:00 am   China: July 29, 12:00 pm

verschiedene Qi Gong Übungen, die in erster Linie Wirbelsäule und Gelenke mobilisieren
1 Monat kostenlos

Info-Link (extern): https://qigong.news/qigongonline/

  Register here for the meeting: https://qigong.news/guten-morgen-qigong-anmeldung/

Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.

Mon, July 29, 2024  Taijiball   Teacher: Doris & Ivo Siebenförcher      (Montag bis Freitag, ausser Feiertage)   deutsch
Los Angeles: July 28, 22:00 pm   Denver: July 28, 23:00 pm   Mexico City: July 29, 00:00 am   New York: July 29, 01:00 am   Argentina: July 29, 02:00 am   UTC: July 29, 05:00 am   London: July 29, 06:00 am   Berlin/Paris: July 29, 07:00 am   Jerusalem: July 29, 08:00 am   Kyiv: July 29, 08:00 am   Moscow: July 29, 08:00 am   China: July 29, 13:00 pm

Taijiball (Tai Chi Ball) - Tanz im Universum
1 Monat kostenlos

Info-Link (extern): https://qigong.news/formen/taijiball/

  Register here for the meeting: https://qigong.news/guten-morgen-qigong-anmeldung/

Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.

Wed, July 31, 2024  Free Healing Wednesdays   Teacher: Yuantong Liu and Britta Stalling      (every first wednesday - jeden ersten Mittwoch)   English   with translation into Dutch, German and Swedish
Los Angeles: July 31, 08:00 am   Denver: July 31, 09:00 am   Mexico City: July 31, 10:00 am   New York: July 31, 11:00 am   Argentina: July 31, 12:00 pm   UTC: July 31, 15:00 pm   London: July 31, 16:00 pm   Berlin/Paris: July 31, 17:00 pm   Jerusalem: July 31, 18:00 pm   Kyiv: July 31, 18:00 pm   Moscow: July 31, 18:00 pm   China: July 31, 23:00 pm

Willkommen zum Free Healing Wednesday! Ãœbungseinheit unter Anleitung von Master Yuantong Liu

  Register here for the meeting: https://hunyuanqitherapy.com/session-with-master-yuantong-liu/

Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.

Thu, August 01, 2024  Heilungssitzung   Teacher: Hui Yu      (jeden Donnerstag)   Deutsch
Los Angeles: August 01, 10:00 am   Denver: August 01, 11:00 am   Mexico City: August 01, 12:00 pm   New York: August 01, 13:00 pm   Argentina: August 01, 14:00 pm   UTC: August 01, 17:00 pm   London: August 01, 18:00 pm   Berlin/Paris: August 01, 19:00 pm   Jerusalem: August 01, 20:00 pm   Kyiv: August 01, 20:00 pm   Moscow: August 01, 20:00 pm   China: August 02, 01:00 am

Info-Link (extern): https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1476447672770101&set=a.552683845146493

  Zoom-Meeting-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3512796848?pwd=R0R6Z2JIbktEUGkrV3pnRDRzeFFwQT09
  Meeting-ID, Zoom: 351 279 6848
  Passcode: 123456

Link to: »timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter« for this event - you can add your location there.